Working with Pods
We’ll split this chapter into two main parts:
• Theory
• Hands-on
Let’s crack on with the theory.
Pod theory
The atomic unit of scheduling in the virtualization world is the Virtual Machine (VM). This means deploying applications in the virtualization world is done by scheduling them on VMs.
In the Docker world, the atomic unit is the container. This means deploying applications on Docker is done by scheduling them inside of containers.
In the Kubernetes world, the atomic unit is the Pod. Ergo, deploying applications on Kubernetes means stamping them out in Pods.
This is fundamental to understanding Kubernetes, so be sure to tag it in your brain as important >> Virtualization does VMs, Docker does containers, and Kubernetes does Pods.
Figure 4.1
As Pods are the fundamental unit of deployment in Kubernetes, it’s vital you understand how they work.
Note: We’re going to talk a lot about Pods in this chapter. However, don’t lose sight of the fact that Pods are just a vehicle for deploying applications.
Pods vs containers
In a previous chapter we said that a Pod hosts one or more containers. From a footprint perspective, this puts Pods somewhere in between containers and VMs – they’re a tiny bit bigger than a container, but a lot smaller than a VM.
Digging a bit deeper, a Pod is a shared execution environment for one or more containers.
The simplest model is the one-container-per-Pod model. However, multi-container Pods are gaining in popularity and are important for advanced configurations.
An application-centric use-case for multi-container Pods is co-scheduling tightly-coupled workloads. For example, two containers that share memory won’t work if they are scheduled on different nodes in the cluster.
By putting both containers inside the same Pod, you ensure that they are scheduled to the same node and share the same execution environment.
An infrastructure-centric use-case for multi-container Pods is a service mesh. In the service mesh model, a proxy container is inserted into every application Pod. This proxy container handles all network traffic entering and leaving the Pod, meaning it is ideally placed to implement features such as traffic encryption, network telemetry, intelligent routing, and more.
Multi-container Pods: the typical example
A common example for comparing single-container and multi-container Pods is a web server that utilizes a file synchronizer.
In this example there are two clear concerns:
1. Serving the web page
2. Making sure the content is up to date
The question is whether to address the two concerns in a single container or two separate containers.
In this context, a concern is a requirement or a task. Generally speaking, microservices design patterns dictate that we separate concerns. This means we only every deal with one concern per container.
Assuming the previous example, this will require two containers: one for the web service, another for the file-sync service.
This model of separating concerns has a lot of advantages, including:
• Different teams can be responsible for each of the two containers
• Each container can be scaled independently
• Each container can be developed and iterated independently
• Each container can have its own release cadence
• If one fails, the other keeps running
Despite the benefits of separating concerns, it’s often a requirement to co-schedule those separate containers in a single Pod. This makes sure both containers are scheduled to the same node and share the same execution environment (the Pod’s environment).
Common use-cases for multi-container Pods include; two containers that need to share memory or share a volume (see Figure 4.2).
Figure 4.2
The simplest way to share a volume with two containers is to configure the two containers as part of the same Pod. This will ensure they run on the same node and can access the same shared execution environment (this includes any volumes).
In summary, the general rule is to separate concerns by designing containers do a single job. The simplest model schedules a single container per Pod, but more advanced use-cases place multiple container per Pod.
How do we deploy Pods
Remember that Pods are just a vehicle for executing an application. Therefore, any time we talk about running or deploying Pods, we’re talking about running and deploying applications.
To deploy a Pod to a Kubernetes cluster you define it in a manifest file and POST that manifest file to the API Server. The control plane verifies the configuration of the YAML file, writes it to the cluster store as a record of intent, and the scheduler deploys it to a healthy node with enough available resources. This process is identical for single-container Pods and multi-container Pods.
Figure 4.3
Let’s dig a bit deeper…
The anatomy of a Pod
At the highest level, a Pod is a shared execution environment for one or more containers. Shared execution environment means that the Pod has a set of resources that are shared by every container that is part of the Pod.
These resources include; IP addresses, ports, hostname, sockets, memory, volumes, and more…
If you’re using Docker as the container runtime, a Pod is actually a special type of container called a pause container. That’s right, a Pod is just a fancy name for a special container. This means containers running inside of Pods are really containers running inside of containers. For more information, watch “Inception” by Christopher Nolan, starring Leonardo DiCaprio ;-)
Seriously though, the Pod (pause container) is just a collection of system resources that containers running inside of it will inherit and share. These system resources are kernel namespaces and include:
• Network namespace: IP address, port range, routing table…
• UTS namespace: Hostname
• IPC namespace: Unix domain sockets…
As we just mentioned, this means that all containers in a Pod share a hostname, IP address, memory address space, and volumes.
Let’s look at how this affects networking.
Pods and shared networking
Each Pod creates its own network namespace. This includes; a single IP address, a single range of TCP and UDP
ports, and a single routing table. If a Pod has a single container, that container has full access to the IP, port range and routing table. If it’s a multi-container Pod, all containers in the Pod will share the IP, port range and routing table.
Figure 4.4 shows two Pods, each with its own IP. Even though one of them is a multi-container Pod, it still only gets a single IP.
Figure 4.4
In Figure 4.4, external access to the containers in Pod 1 is achieved via the IP address of the Pod coupled with the port of the container you wish to reach. For example, will get you to the main container.
Container-to-container communication works via the Pod’s localhost adapter and port number. For example, the main container can reach the supporting container via localhost:5000.
One last time (apologies if it feels like I’m over-repeating myself)… Each container in a Pod shares the Pod’s entire network namespace – IP, localhost adapter, port range, routing table, and more.
However, as we’ve already said, it’s more than just networking. All containers in a Pod have access to the same volumes, the same memory, the same IPC sockets, and more. Technically speaking, the Pod holds all the namespaces, any containers that are part of the Pod inherit them and share them.
This networking model makes inter-Pod communication really simple. Every Pod in the cluster has its own IP
addresses that’s fully routable on the Pod network. If you read the chapter on installing Kubernetes, you’ll have seen how we created a Pod network at the end of the Play with Kubernetes, and kubeadm sections. Because every Pod gets its own routable IP, every Pod on the Pod network can talk directly to every other Pod without the need for nasty port mappings.
Figure 4.5 Inter-Pod communication
As previously mentioned, intra-Pod communication – where two containers in the same Pod need to communicate – can happen via the Pod’s localhost interface.
Figure 4.6 Intra-Pod communication
If you need to make multiple containers in the same Pod available to the outside world, you can expose them on individual ports. Each container needs its own port, and two containers in the same Pod cannot use the same port.
In summary. It’s all about the Pod! The Pod gets deployed, the Pod gets the IP, the Pod owns all of the namespaces… The Pod is at the center of the Kuberverse.
Pods and cgroups
At a high level, Control Groups (cgroups) are a Linux kernel technology that prevents individual containers from consuming all of the available CPU, RAM and IOPS on a node. You could say that cgroups actively police resource usage.
Individual containers have their own cgroup limits.
This means it’s possible for two containers in the same Pod to have their own set of cgroup limits. This is a powerful and flexible model. If we assume the typical multi-container Pod example from earlier in the chapter,
you could set a cgroup limit on the file sync container so that it has access to less resources than the web service container. This might reduce the risk of it starving the web service container of CPU and memory.
Atomic deployment of Pods
Deploying a Pod is an atomic operation. This means it’s an all-or-nothing operation – there’s no such thing as a partially deployed Pod that can service requests. It also means that all containers in a Pod will be scheduled on the same node.
Once all Pod resources are ready, the Pod can start servicing requests.
Pod lifecycle
The lifecycle of a typical Pod goes something like this. You define it in a YAML manifest file and POST the manifest to the API server. Once there, the contents of the manifest are persisted to the cluster store as a record of intent (desired state), and the Pod is scheduled to a healthy node with enough resources. Once it’s scheduled to a node, it enters the pending state while the container runtime on the node downloads images and starts any containers.
The Pod remains in the pending state until all of its resources are up and ready. Once everything’s up and ready, the Pod enters the running state. Once it has completed all of its tasks, it gets terminated and enters the succeeded state.
When a Pod can’t start, it can remain in the pending state or go to the failed state. This is all shown in Figure 4.7.
Figure 4.7 Pod lifecycle
Pods that are deployed via Pod manifest files are singletons – they are not managed by a controller that might add features such as auto-scaling and self-healing capabilities. For this reason, we almost always deploy Pods via higher-level controllers such as Deployments and DaemonSets, as these can reschedule Pods when they fail.
On that topic, it’s important to think of Pods as mortal. When they die, they’re gone. There’s no bringing them back from the dead. This follows the pets vs cattle analogy, and Pods should be treated as cattle. When they die, you replace them with another. There’s no tears and no funeral. The old one is gone, and a shiny new one – with the same config, but a different ID and IP – magically appears and takes its place.
This is one of the main reasons you should design your applications so that they don’t store state in Pods. It’s also why we shouldn’t rely on individual Pod IPs. Singleton Pods are not reliable!
Pod theory summary
1. Pods are the atomic unit of scheduling in Kubernetes
2. You can have more than one container in a Pod. Single-container Pods are the simplest, but multi-container Pods are ideal for containers that need to be tightly coupled. They’re also great for logging and service meshes
3. Pods get scheduled on nodes – you can’t schedule a single Pod instance to span multiple nodes 4. Pods are defined declaratively in a manifest file that is POSTed to the API Server and assigned to nodes by the scheduler
5. You almost always deploy Pods via higher-level controllers
Hands-on with Pods
It’s time to see Pods in action.
For the examples in the rest of this chapter we’ll use the 3-node cluster shown in Figure 4.8.
Figure 4.8
It doesn’t matter where this cluster is or how it was deployed. All that matters is that you have three Linux hosts configured into a Kubernetes cluster with at least one master and two nodes. You’ll also need kubectl installed and configured to talk to the cluster.
Three super-quick ways to get a Kubernetes cluster include:
• Sign-up to and get access to your own private online cluster (plus a lot of learning content)
• Download and install Docker Desktop to your computer
• Search “play with kubernetes” and get a temporary online playground Following the Kubernetes mantra of composable infrastructure, you define Pods in manifest files, POST these to the API server, and let the scheduler instantiate them on the cluster.
Pod manifest files
For the examples in this chapter we’re going to use the following Pod manifest. It’s available in the book’s GitHub repo under the pods folder called pod.yml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: hello-pod
zone: prod
version: v1
- name: hello-ctr
image: nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest
- containerPort: 8080
Let’s step through what the YAML file is describing.
Straight away we can see four top-level resources:
• apiVersion
• kind
• metadata
• spec
The .apiVersion field tells you two things – the API group and the API version. The usual format for apiVersion
<api-group>/<version>. However, Pods are defined in a special API group called the core group which omits the api-group part. For example, StorageClass objects are defined in v1 of the API group and are described in YAML files as However, Pods are in the core API group which is special, as it omits the API group name, so we describe them in YAML files as just v1.
It’s possible for a resource to be defined in multiple versions of an API group. For example, some-api-group/v1 and some-api-group/v2. In this case, the definition in the newer group will probably include additional features and fields that extend the capabilities of the resource. Think of the apiVersion field as defining the schema – newer is usually better. Interestingly, there may be occasions where you deploy an object via one version in the YAML
file, but when you introspect it, the return values show it as another version. For example, you may deploy an object by specifying v1 in the YAML file, but when you run commands against it the returns might show it as v1beta1. This is normal behaviour.
Anyway, Pods are defined at the v1 path.
The .kind field tells Kubernetes the type of object is being deployed.
So far, you know you’re deploying a Pod object as defined in v1 of the core API group.
The .metadata section is where you attach a name and labels. These help you identify the object in the cluster, as well as create loose couplings between different objects. You can also define the Namespace that an object should be deployed to. Keeping things brief, Namespaces are a way to logically divide a cluster into multiple virtual clusters for management purposes. In the real world, it’s highly recommended to use namespaces, however, you should not think of them as strong security boundaries.
The .metadata section of this Pod manifest is naming the Pod “hello-pod” and assigning it two labels. Labels are simple key-value pairs, but they’re insanely powerful. We’ll talk more about labels later as you build your knowledge.
As the .metadata section does not specify a Namespace, the Pod will be deployed to the default Namespace. It’s not good practice to use the default namespace in the real world, but it’s fine for these examples.
The .spec section is where you define the containers that will run in the Pod. This example is deploying a Pod with a single container based on the nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest image. It’s calling the container hello-ctr and exposing it on port 8080.
If this was a multi-container Pod, you’d define additional containers in the .spec section.
Manifest files: Empathy as Code
Quick side-step.
Configuration files, like Kubernetes manifest files, are excellent sources of documentation. As such, they have some secondary benefits. Two of these include:
• Speeding-up the on-boarding process for new team members
• Bridging the gap between developers and operations
For example, if you need a new team member to understand the basic functions and requirements of an application, get them to read the application’s Kubernetes manifest files.
Also, if your operations teams complain that developers don’t give accurate application requirements and documentation, make your developers use Kubernetes. Kubernetes forces developers to describe their applications through Kubernetes manifests, which can then be used by operations staff to understand how the application works and what it requires from the environment.
These kinds of benefits were described as a form of empathy as code by Nirmal Mehta in his 2017 DockerCon talk entitled “A Strong Belief, Loosely Held: Bringing Empathy to IT”.
I understand that describing YAML files as “empathy as code” sounds a bit extreme. However, there is merit to the concept – they definitely help.
Back on track…
Deploying Pods from a manifest file
If you’re following along with the examples, save the manifest file as pod.yml in your current directory and then use the following kubectl command to POST the manifest to the API server.
$ kubectl apply -f pod.yml
pod/hello-pod created
Although the Pod is showing as created, it might not be fully deployed and available yet. This is because it takes time to pull the image.
Run a kubectl get pods command to check the status.
$ kubectl get pods
You can see that the container is still being created – probably waiting for the image to be pulled from Docker Hub.
You can add the --watch flag to the kubectl get pods command so that you can monitor it and see when the status changes to Running.
Congratulations! Your Pod has been scheduled to a healthy node in the cluster and is being monitored by the local kubelet process. The kubelet process is the Kubernetes agent running on the node.
In future chapters, you’ll see how to connect to the web server running in the Pod.
Introspecting running Pods
As good as the kubectl get pods command is, it’s a bit light on detail. Not to worry though, there’s plenty of options for deeper introspection.
First up, the kubectl get command offers a couple of really simple flags that give you more information: The -o wide flag gives a couple more columns but is still a single line of output.
The -o yaml flag takes things to the next level. This returns a full copy of the Pod manifest from the cluster store.
The output is broadly divided into two parts:
• desired state (.spec)
• current observed state (.status)
The following command shows a snipped version of a kubectl get pods -o yaml command.
$ kubectl get pods hello-pod -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
annotations: |
name: hello-pod
namespace: default
#Desired state
- image: nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: hello-ctr
#Observed state
- lastProbeTime: null
lastTransitionTime: 2019-11-19T15:24:24Z
startedAt: 2019-11-19T15:26:04Z
Notice how the output contains more values than you initially set in the 13-line YAML file. Where does this extra information come from?
Two main sources:
• The Kubernetes Pod object has far more settings than we defined in the manifest. Those that are not set explicitly are automatically expanded with default values by Kubernetes.
• When you run a kubectl get pods with -o yaml you get the Pods current observed state as well as its desired state. This observed state is listed in the .status section.
kubectl describe
Another great Kubernetes introspection command is kubectl describe. This provides a nicely formatted multi-line overview of an object. It even includes some important object lifecycle events. The following command describes the state of the hello-pod Pod.
$ kubectl describe pods hello-pod
Start Time:
Tue, 19 Nov 2019 16:24:24 +0100
Host Port:
Successfully assigned...
pulling image "nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest"
Successfully pulled image
Created container
Started container
The output has been snipped to help it fit the book.
kubectl exec: running commands in Pods
Another way to introspect a running Pod is to log into it or execute commands in it. You can do both of these with the kubectl exec command. The following example shows how to execute a ps aux command in the first container in the hello-pod Pod.
$ kubectl exec hello-pod -- ps aux
node ./app.js
ps aux
You can also log-in to containers running in Pods using kubectl exec. When you do this, your terminal prompt will change to indicate your session is now running inside of a container in the Pod, and you’ll be able to execute commands from there (as long as the command binaries are installed in the container).
The following kubectl exec command will log-in to the first container in the hello-container Pod. Once inside the container, install the curl utility and run a curl command to transfer data from the process listening on port 8080.
$ kubectl exec -it hello-pod -- sh
# apk add curl
# curl localhost:8080
<html><head><title>Pluralsight Rocks</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="\ m/bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css"/></head><body><div class="container"><div class="jumbotron"><\ h1>Yo Pluralsighters!!!</h1><p>Click the button below to head over to my podcast...</p><p> <a href="ht\ tp://" class="btn btn-primary">Podcast</a></p><p></p></div></div></body></html\
The -it flags make the exec session interactive and connects STDIN and STDOUT on your terminal to STDIN
and STDOUT inside the first container in the Pod. When the command completes, your shell prompt will change to indicate your shell is now connected to the container.
If you are running multi-container Pods, you will need to pass the kubectl exec command the --container flag and give it the name of the container that you want to create the exec session with. If you do not specify this flag, the command will execute against the first container in the Pod. You can see the ordering and names of containers in a Pod with the kubectl describe pods <pod> command.
kubectl logs
One other useful command for introspecting Pods is the kubectl logs command. Like other Pod-related commands, if you don’t use --container to specify a container by name, it will execute against the first container in the Pod. The format of the command is kubectl logs <pod>.
There’s obviously a lot more to Pods than what we’ve covered. However, you’ve learned enough to get started.
Clean-up up the lab by typing exit to quit your exec session inside the container, then run kubectl delete to delete the Pod.
# exit
$ kubectl delete -f pod.yml
pod "hello-pod" deleted
Chapter Summary
In this chapter, you learned that the atomic unit of deployment in the Kubernetes world is the Pod. Each Pod consists of one or more containers and gets deployed to a single node in the cluster. The deployment operation is an all-or-nothing atomic operation.
Pods are defined and deployed declaratively using a YAML manifest file, and it’s normal to deploy them via higher-level controllers such as Deployments. You use the kubectl command to POST the manifest to the API Server, it gets stored in the cluster store and converted into a PodSpec that is scheduled to a healthy cluster node with enough available resources.
The process on the worker node that accepts the PodSpec is the kubelet. This is the main Kubernetes agent running on every node in the cluster. It takes the PodSpec and is responsible for pulling all images and starting all containers in the Pod.
If you deploy a singleton Pod (a Pod that is not deployed via a controller) to your cluster and the node it is running on fails, the singleton Pod is not rescheduled on another node. Because of this, you almost always deploy Pods via higher-level controllers such as Deployments and DaemonSets. These add capabilities such as self-healing and rollbacks which are at the heart of what makes Kubernetes so powerful.